Monday, November 2, 2009

feeling akward lately....

Well today I am not writing about my horses. I want to just say what I am feeling. Have you ever wondered why ppl say they are ur family but in the end they are the ones that hurt you the most. My whole childhood horses have been my place where I could fall back on when things get ruff. Every time something didnt go right in my life I would go hope on my crazy lil mare and it would just seem like for once everything in my life was better. I have learned alot in my life thanks to horses. Horses taught me so much in my life like indepence and strength and courage. If yall dont know me I am a very independent and very head strong at times. I just have to say I really dont trust anything beside my four legged friends. But I did start to trust someone and in the end the person I trusted most changed my mind about ever opening up to anyone. SO as I would do anyday I just wasnt having a good day I went to see my horses, and let me tell you everything was all better. I have to love my lil colt, he has only been riden once before today but today I hopd on him and rode him around the farm bareback in a halter and lead. I couldnt of asked for a better day. Some people say an animal cant change your life but mine have. Horses are a great thing and will always be a part of my life, even if people come and go. My horses will always be there.

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