Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pictures from my last post

Please read the post too, below!!!

Sorry, its been a while

I know I havent posted in a while its just been busy! Well to start off I have been riding Em in the double bridle again and she is finally learning to take the bit and no hold it in her mouth. Me and her jumping is another story... We have been working on jumping little stuff to get her nice and slow and not bucking so that has made us a lil! but she is finally getting the whole wait for the jump not launch... But all I can say is I never have a boring ride and we are continueing learning new things...We started up our long line training again and she loves it!!! I maybe need to get her in a cart and she what she can really do... On another subject... Riz.... He is doing great about that choke he had. Silly Yearling, he is growing so big and is now around 14h. i cant wait till I finally get to ride that big floaty trot, and that huge jump he has. We(me and randall) have been working on long line him and he enjoys that.Riz is coming along great... i just wanted to say a little bit about one horse I am working with at Mills... Miss April, she is the custest little roan, I believe she is an arbain/tenesse walker. She has a bad habit of having her head up in the air like a camel but we are finally getting it down and she is learning its ok to have it down. Also if anybody shows come to our horse show at Mills the 30th of november it will be tons of fun!!!